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What sets CASTLE apart?


An Exceptional Learning Experience

A unique, developmentally appropriate, standards-guided curriculum that is developed as the year goes on with our current children in mind.

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Nationally Accredited Program

CASTLE is proud to have achieved national accreditation and recognition by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).


NAEYC Accreditation helps teachers and other staff at early learning programs develop a shared understanding and commitment to quality. The accreditation process leads to increased staff morale, greater staff retention, and a more positive, energetic work atmosphere overall - enabling centers to provide a solid foundation for all children's success in life.

NAEYC Accreditation helps families recognize quality early learning programs and feel comfortable knowing their children are receiving a high-quality, research-based education that will prepare them for future success. NAEYC Accreditation offers programs access to continuous quality-improvement, the latest research on best practices, training, technical assistance, visibility on family-focused search engines, and much more.

For more information about accreditation, please visit


Low Child-to-Teacher Ratios

Preschool ratio in the State of CT is 1 teacher to 10 children. Our classrooms consist of 2-3 teachers with 16 children, allowing for more focused and meaningful interactions between teacher and child.

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Ongoing Feedback on your Child's Growth and Development

CASTLE teachers use the Connecticut Documentation and Observation for Teaching System (CT DOTS) to provide each family with a written assessment in Fall and Spring. Parent conferences and other screening tools are used throughout the year.


Opportunities for Family Involvement

CASTLE's preschool hosts parent events during the day and in the evening. This flexibility allows families to be involved in their child's learning in a way that works for them and their schedule. CASTLE is also run by a Board of Directors, consisting of mostly parents.


Extras Included in Tuition

Enrichment programs are offered in-house to enhance curriculum. This year, we had programs on STEM, astronomy, and art enrichment from the CT Children's Museum in West Hartford and the Lutz Museum in Manchester.

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A Commitment to Professional Learning

CASTLE is committed to staying current on best practices in early childhood. Our staff far exceed professional development hours required by the State of CT. Our teachers attend professional learning conferences to ensure we are up-to-date on best practices in the field of early learning.


Community Collaboration

CASTLE invites many community agencies to present and interact with our children. We have local police, members of the fire department, dentists and other business members come to the program to share what they do. We also have a close working relationship with Colchester Elementary School to ensure a smooth transition to Kindergarten after preschool.

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